Porn Addiction

Have you ever considered what your motivations are for watching pornography? Do you use it to enhance your masturbation experience? To learn new tricks in the bedroom? Maybe to relieve stress? Identifying the reasons behind why you watch porn can help you recognise an unhealthy...

In today’s world, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t viewed pornography at least once in their lifetime. Watching adult content in a healthy manner is completely normal and can even have its benefits, such as stress relief and enhanced sexual satisfaction. Viewing porn...

Pornography addiction can be likened to a marijuana addiction; seemingly harmless when compared with more serious behaviors such as sex addiction and shooting up heroin, yet equally as destructive when left untreated. Addiction can be loosely defined as a repetitive behavior that results in a decline...

As with both drug and alcohol abuse, porn can trigger a chemical response in the brain that causes the viewer to feel pleasurable. This is primarily due to the release of dopamine and other biochemicals, such as oxytocin, adrenaline, serotonin and endorphins. Over time, porn addicts...

Addiction to pornography is a disorder of the brain. Addiction occurs when the act viewing pornography becomes a focal point in a person’s life, rather than just an extension of their sex life, and when they are unable to stop the behavior, despite the negative...

Triggers are essentially the catalyst for your addiction. They are what prompts you to act on your urges and what keeps you in trapped in the cycle of addiction, so for those struggling with porn addiction, it’s important to make yourself aware of your triggers....

With the overwhelming presence of both soft and hardcore pornography available online, porn addiction has drastically increased in recent years. A study done in the US estimates that 56% of men and 41% of women are consuming pornography on a monthly basis and around 8%-10%...

Pornography addiction doesn’t just affect the addict themselves, it also affects the people around them and in particular, their spouse. One of the biggest issues for porn addicts who are in relationships is that they experience cognitive distortions and spiritual disconnections which often causes them to...