Porn Addiction

Porn addiction is considered to be a behavioral addiction that is characterized by a growing compulsion to view pornographic content. Porn addiction, in many ways, is similarities to drug or alcohol addiction and can be equally as damaging to one’s life. In a world where we...

In recent years, internet usage has skyrocketed to over 3 billion users worldwide which equates to nearly 40% of the world’s population. In 1995, only 1% of the population had access to the internet so with the ever increasing amount of people online, mental health...

In this modern day and technologically-advanced Internet age, vast amounts of information are readily available to anyone who goes looking for them – with children and pornography serving as no exception. Though legal, pornography can have a significant and lasting impact on the quickly developing...

The relationship between pornography and society has undergone significant changes over the past few years. Though it was once condemned as taboo – both as a subject of discussion and a product for consumption – today, pornography has managed to transgress an array of traditionally-held...

In today’s society, what was once taboo has now become widely accepted as the new norm – pornography has quickly crossed long-standing cultural borders and pervades almost every aspect of our modern lives. This proliferation of pornography – particularly within mainstream culture - has led...

Please see the link to an interesting article October 10th, 2014 Heide McConkey, Director at Sex Addiction Australia Affirmotive was interviewed by Journalist Julia Medew, and quoted in the The Age and Sydney Morning Herald on the controversial topic of pornography addiction. Heide comments on the...

666 ABC Radio Canberra, 10 December 2012, Afternoon Delight on Big Ideas Monday with presenter Genevieve Jacobs explored the the often controversial but terrible fun topic of sex. Please read the live interview quotations on 'Young Me And Pornography'. Article by Tatjana Clancy Whilst the sexual...