Counselling For Gay Men In Sydney And Australia Online By Renowned Sex Therapist, Sexual Addictions
Professional Gay Counselling for individuals and couples, who are affected by sexual addiction and/or other sexually related issues, is offered by Affirmotive Sex Addiction Australia (ASAA), suiting the needs and circumstances of gay men and their relationships. Sex addiction therapist and relationships counsellor Heide McConkey has successfully helped the gay community with overcoming sexual addiction disorders, and complex personal, relationship and family upheaval, since 1998.
Sexual addiction is believed to cause brain changes. Researchers warn that long term sexual overindulgence and pornography overconsumption may lead to ‘faulty wiring’ in the limbic brain circuitry associated with motivation, reward, and pleasure.
Biologically speaking, every time a man is engaging in his pornographic fantasies or sexual acts, elevated levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine (and other ‘feel good’ chemicals) are released in his brain’s pleasure and reward circuits, thus embedding memories of satisfaction and pleasure, and unlashing cravings for more sex/porn.
In the absence of rare underlying physical or psychiatric disorders, no biological evidence suggests that sex addicts suffer hormonal dysregulation causing abnormally high sex drives. In-fact, successful sex addiction counselling may enable most sex addicts achieving healthy sex lives and satisfying sexual relationships.
- Sexual addiction is characterised by compulsive engagement in sexual fantasies and acts outside the addict’s control. Sex addiction cannot be defined by sexual orientation. Homosexuality is NOT related to addiction, but gay men can addict to sex.
Sex Addiction Australia’s purposefully designed treatment and relapse prevention plan can STOP sexual addiction in gay men, help and support their partners, and facilitate healthy sexual intimacy.
The narcissistic nature of sexual addiction tends to severely disrupt intimacy in couples. Commonly, untreated sex addicts experience ever increasing feelings of emotional unmanageability and lack of control over their behaviours, culminating in negative mood swings and escalations of sexual compulsion to act out more sex. Some sex addicts experience Sexual Rage Disorder (SRD) when sex or pornography are denied. Other untreated sexual addicts may fall into depression, or social isolation, over time.
Despite a sex addict’s full awareness of the potentially threatening outcomes of his behaviour, he is unable to stop himself. Many sex addicts can testify to multiple heartfelt attempts to stop their addiction on their own, and to relapsing just as many times. Diminished impulse control, societal pressures, personal distress, relationship fatigue, unhelpful influences, spiritual disconnection, cognitive distortion, loneliness, boredom, stress, and drug/alcohol abuse, all play a part in recurrent relapse.
Without intensive sex addiction therapy, the addictive pattern is likely to continue. ASAA’s specific counselling program for sexual addiction treatment has proven to successfully stop sexual addiction in gay men, and to facilitate full recovery.
Book your confidential couple or individual appointment online Book Or Enquire Online or call Heide directly during office hours in Sydney and obtain obligation free information about our counselling and therapy. Call now (+61) 02 9380 4486 or email