
I have found an opportunity to write to say thank you for the work that we did together which continues to have a beneficial effect on me. Since having those sessions with you I have been much more peaceful around my sexuality and also have been fostering healthier relationships. You introduced me to seeing what I needed to see and I am very appreciative of that.

M.W., Client

Do you get up every morning fearing what the day is going to bring you? Are you suffering from any kind of addiction? Or maybe your relationship is falling apart? Whatever problem you might be facing right now, Heide is able to show you the solution. Provided you take the first step and you are committed, your negative world surrounded by thundery clouds will soon brighten up. Heide thank you so much for everything! For me you are not just an adviser but also a good friend.

Best wishes, Pablo

Heide McConkey is known to me and has worked with me at Impotence Australia since 2001. Heide’s skills in assessment and providing treatments for sexual dysfunction are remarkable. Heide’s current work with applying Voice Dialogue and sex therapy is exciting and I am confident that this method will add a new dynamic to the field of sexology. Heide McConkey has provided a high standard of supervision to sexologist at Impotence Australia.

Brett McCann, CEO Impotence Australia

We were nervous and doubtful when we first came to see you. Our relationship was rock-bottom and previous therapy did not work for us. Your profound knowledge and your non judgemental approach really helped us. We gained much sexual confidence and enjoy our relationship.

CH. M. and A.M., Clients

I want to say thank you for your patients and ongoing support. I wanted to give up many times, but you kept me on track overcoming my sexual addiction. I feel in control of my life again, and my relationship has improved.

 J.B., Client

My addiction to pornography has been troubling for years, but I did not know where to go. I felt too ashamed to talk to anyone. I am so grateful for your Skype counselling therapy, it took the sting out and I felt more encouraged. I have made a lot of progress since our sessions began, and I can control my behaviour much better. Your help with relapse prevention really works. I know I still have a way to go and I am confident. Thanks, I have regained my self esteem.

 T.K., Client

I have made many promises in the past to see a counsellor, but I was too embarrassed to talk about my very private sexual problems face to face. Your telephone counselling service really made it easier for me and thanks God, I found the courage to make that phone call. Thank you so much for your warm and non judgemental ways to listen and help me. A big weight has lifted off my shoulders.

 M. O., Client

Admitting my sex addiction to myself was very confronting at first. The sessions have really helped me to see myself and to control my compulsions. I feel at peace with myself for the first time in ages. Thank you for your ongoing support.

A.I., Client

Thanks Heide, for your understanding and profound knowledge. I have been avoiding relationships for so long because I was too ashamed of my premature ejaculation condition. I just wanted to share with you that I have a new partner, and I am much more confident in the bedroom.

P.M., Client

Dear Heide, I want to thank you for helping me to controlling my sexual behaviour. At first I was sceptical if Skype counselling would work, but I found it really personal, like being there in person. What a great service, I live remote with hardly any specialist counselling services available. I am looking forward to our sessions, my life has improved so much already with the work we have done so far.

With thanks T.E.,Client

Hi Heide, just want to thank you again for all your help, you bought us back from the edge several times and when problems arise now we are able to put in place the tools we learnt from you. I don’t think there was ever a session that we had with you where I didn’t leave your rooms with in awe of your expertise and knowledge.

When I look back at how close we came to throwing our 25 year relationship away, I am so glad we persevered as what we have today is so fulfilling and we are both truly happy and look forward to the rest of our lives together. I have a loving, warm and caring husband who shows me in little ways every day how much he loves me …

And your one on one sessions were invaluable and have changed my life.., my tantrums are a thing of the past and I have control of myself and my emotions.
……. arranged our first session with you because he was not happy with the lack of intimacy in our marriage, he didn’t realise that the other problems we had were impacting on this and now that they are resolved, all aspects of our relationship are so much better for both of us…

I also know that you are always there if ever we need you …


At the time I booked my first session with you I was in a very dark place. My out of control sexual behaviour and my drinking have destroyed my family. The work we did together was extremely hard at times, but you said it would be and made me repeat the words ‘NEVER GIVE UP’. I persevered, even so hard and often angry; and now after many month I can say I have my life back. I will keep working together, and on my relapse prevention. I am determined to bring my family back together, and to become that self-respecting and deserving person I want to be. Thanks Heide, for your determination. You never gave up on me either.

 R.A.McB., Client

Dear Heide, I don’t know if you remember me, it’s been a while. Just want to give you an update as well as thanking you for all your encouragement and professional understanding that has helped me so much with coming to terms with my sexuality. I now live a content life as a gay man. Most of my friends are ok with me, some others sadly have disowned me. My family still struggles, but I think they will be accepting of me some time in the future. They do love me, and I love them too. I also have a partner now, life has taken a full turn for the better.

 Take care W.M., Client

Hi Heide, I just like to drop you a few lines to tell you how much your sex counselling has changed my life. It feels so good to be connected to myself now, and I am comfortable with my sexuality and who I am. You taught me so much about my body, and how to feel pleasure and orgasm. My husband is over the moon, and so am I.

A. H., Client

Heide, I want to thank you for your help with my vaginismus. This awful condition is now almost the past. I enjoy sex a lot more, although I am still a little nervous. My boyfriend has learnt to be patient with me, thanks to your therapy with him/us as a couple. I can relax with sex now, and our relationship has improved. I can envisage a future for us. I hope other women will see your website and get help. Having vaginismus is simply dreadful, and help is on the way.

 L. S., Client

Hallo Heide. Here are just a few lines to say thank you for all the work we did together in our counselling sessions. I am now able to see myself as a worthy person. I have reconnected with my partner and my family, it feels so good to belong, and to be accepted! I finally had the courage to apply for a number of jobs, and I am now confident that I will be able to fulfil a professional role, when it comes up. Being confident in myself and accepting my sexuality has changed my life. I would recommend your services wholeheartedly to anyone, who needs to make important life changes.

Thanks B.W.W., Client

Hi Heide, I was ashamed at first to disclose my addictive sexual behaviours to you. You never judged me, but you listened to me, and helped me with your truly impressive professional knowledge. The strategies of our relapse prevention plan really work, and I can say I have been relapse free ever since.

  Kind regards, C.V., Client