Author: Heide

The thing about sex addiction is that unfortunately, it affects both single and married people in the same way. Just because someone is in a committed relationship, doesn’t make them immune to the impulses and urges that go hand in hand with this disorder. Sex addiction...

One of the biggest struggles sex addicts face is coping with the stigma surrounding sex addictions and sexual disorders. It’s essentially the fear of being judged, particularly for those who are in the public eye, with a high profile or those whose professions put them...

Pornography addiction can be likened to a marijuana addiction; seemingly harmless when compared with more serious behaviors such as sex addiction and shooting up heroin, yet equally as destructive when left untreated. Addiction can be loosely defined as a repetitive behavior that results in a decline...

As with both drug and alcohol abuse, porn can trigger a chemical response in the brain that causes the viewer to feel pleasurable. This is primarily due to the release of dopamine and other biochemicals, such as oxytocin, adrenaline, serotonin and endorphins. Over time, porn addicts...

It’s a question we have been asking for as long as marriage has existed: Why do people cheat? The answer isn’t as straight forward as you might think and the reason for infidelity differs from person to person. For some it may be that their sexual...

Chlamydia Chlamydia is a relatively minor bacterial infection that is most commonly transmitted during intercourse. For men, it can simply be a minor annoyance while for women, if left untreated, can cause pelvic inflammatory disease. With treatment, chlamydia is usually gone within a few weeks. Gonorrhea Commonly occurring...

Failure to Disclose You’ve heard it before: “the first step towards recovery is admitting you have a problem”. It’s important for sex addicts to- not just admit to themselves and their loved ones that they have a problem, but also to disclose to their therapist...

There seems to be a generalisation about sex addicts, that they are cold hearted, emotionless robots who only care about getting their next sexual gratification and that they’re completely incapable of experiencing genuine emotions. In reality, the truth is startlingly different. Sex addicts commonly report feeling...

Is your partner displaying the signs and symptoms of sex addiction? It’s entirely possible your partner isn’t even aware they’re suffering from a sexual disorder, in which case, it may be helpful for them to take this short sex addiction test. But what if your partner is...