Author: Heide

For couples experiencing ongoing turmoil in their relationship due to sex addiction, there are specialised counselling services that are tailored specifically to help with these issues. Sex addiction can cause havoc in relationships and usually affects the spouse or partner just as much as it affects...

There are many different reasons people suffer from sex addiction, it varies from person to person but is often due to a combination of biological, genetic, social, and environmental factors. Confidential sex therapy for sex addicts usually begins with a thorough assessment of your personal sexual...

With the overwhelming presence of both soft and hardcore pornography available online, porn addiction has drastically increased in recent years. A study done in the US estimates that 56% of men and 41% of women are consuming pornography on a monthly basis and around 8%-10%...

Pornography addiction doesn’t just affect the addict themselves, it also affects the people around them and in particular, their spouse. One of the biggest issues for porn addicts who are in relationships is that they experience cognitive distortions and spiritual disconnections which often causes them to...

Porn addiction is considered to be a behavioral addiction that is characterized by a growing compulsion to view pornographic content. Porn addiction, in many ways, is similarities to drug or alcohol addiction and can be equally as damaging to one’s life. In a world where we...

Masturbation is a normal, natural behavior that almost all of us will indulge in at some point in our lives. For some, masturbation is daily habit, for others it may be weekly or monthly and of course, masturbation is a great way to begin play...

Many characteristics of sex addiction include impulse control issues, obsessive thoughts and risky behaviour. In young adults, this is especially prevalent due to the way the brain develops into adulthood. The frontal lobe or the ‘mature’ part of the brain is responsible for rationalizing, controlling...